The 50 Who Now Stand Under the 44th As 1

As everyone should know by now we have a president-elect that will be inaugurated January 20, 2009:

Barack Obama

Over the last year, we have seen such a division between the parties. We have faced the trials of separation on many levels, belief, color, sex, and age. This was a plague that swept our land and it was going to be hard to repair.

Tuesday Night, November 4 2008

We had two men stand up and destroy these divisions with their speeches, McCain, with his Concession Speech, and Barack Obama, with his Acceptance Speech. It does not matter any longer who you wanted to win, because with these speeches they have UNITED us as the American people. We are now 50 states standing under Barack Obama, as the 44th President of the United States, as one UNITED country.

Barack Obama’s  Acceptance Speech

Acceptance Speech Part 1, Part 2

McCain’s Concession Speech

Concession Speech

One phrase is ringing with a deafing roar in my head, right now.

“I am proud to be an American!”

As I was editing this I came across from52to48withlove, an Idea from Ze Frank.

Metaphysical Inertia In Relation To The Law Of Attraction

This is an idea i had during a constitutional back to my apartment. I cannot quite understand what caused me to ask myself about the Law of Attraction; I did however and it led to an idea of Metaphysical Inertia based upon Newton’s First Law. The thought makes sense easily on so many levels, yet it’s still extremely hard to describe.

“The soul attracts that which it secretly harbors, that which it loves, and also that which it fears. It reaches the height of its cherished aspirations. It falls to the level of its unchastened desires — and circumstances are the means by which the soul receives its own.”~James Allen, As a Man Thinketh

“Every body perseveres in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by force impressed.”~ Sir Isaac Newton, Principia Mathematica

I’m going to break the Allen’s down into more general terms in order to derive connection and a better understanding of it. So the first can be perceived as,

“One’s subconscious attracts its ambitions and that which it dreams, that which it refuses to lose, and that which it avoids living with. It shall bring a person to his meaning in life. It then finds its purpose un-rebuked and as such it shall become conscious through its surrounding events.”

Now in relation to the second it develops an overlying idea that there is a force in act. The subconscious is pulling ideals & non-ideals together into the conscious life. The force of the ideals as they are achieved, this is under our mental control, is pushing us forward in a positive direction that leads to more forward advances, the counter is also true.  The uncontrollable, however cannot be predicted by our conscious or subconscious states and is the randomness that can turn a wealthy, businessman, with a family; into a hollow, emotionless, bastard, who cheats upon his wife and children.

What is this force that acts so negatively upon the forward advances that we make? It’s effectively the friction of life, based around the idea of diminishing gains, it shall pull us back as we begin to reach our goals and complete more and more of what we dreamt of, we slow. The only way that we can keep advancing is by not becoming complacent with what we have achieved and strive for more. Also we cannot overburden ourselves with that that we take distaste in, it shall only lead to an harbored contempt for what we’re achieving.

Education Pt 1 – What Is It, The Social Perception and Ideology

Education in the formal sense is part of “The Plan,”  it is one of the cornerstones of modern society, and in general a very interesting subject on a multitude of levels. It possesses economical, ideological, moral, and societal value to the modern world. The world would not fail without it, but it would neither grow.

A formal education is possessing the knowledge through coursework and the conversion of knowledge from one body to another, both mechanics and linguistics of the course. It is often referred to as a formal learning environment where one is to pick-up skills in a particular field, along with knowledge from a more vast pool of knowledge of general education. Generally, this area is merely obtained to comply with “The Plan” to obtain a higher salary or general monetary gain.

Learning, however, does not come just from such a formal environment. We use the formal environment to leverage one’s future wealth. Learning is habitual to many a human spirit, and we are constantly learning, if we seek knowledge and understanding. Learning can be more influential and more focused outside of a formal education, or vice-versa. However, we all shall make the choice between a formal education or a non-formal education whether focused or not.

Social Perception and Ideology guide us through the realms of our life and to us choosing to follow “The Plan,” to lead the dreams of our families, our friends, and the general public. We choose to do this because it is pushed upon us, from when we are young, “The only way you’ll be anybody is if you go to college.” I have come to the realization that if we seek knowledge, it shall not be hidden, it shall not be shrouded from our heart, however society will hide the wealth and acceptance from us, because we did not follow the societal plan. Society shall turn us away without proof of our knowledge even if we possess more knowledge and skill, because we don’t have a piece of paper saying we possess that knowledge and skill.