How To Overcome Crushing Blows

The past few months have been like a riptide for me, every time I pop back above the surface I’m further out, and getting pushed right back under. I’ve lost friends, I’ve somehow managed to walk away from death, and I’ve lost my job. The thing is in life those things matter, but they happened in the past, they will effect how I act in the future, but I shouldn’t have to wait for these to occur to figure out I needed to change.

“The only way that we can keep advancing is by not becoming complacent with what we have achieved and strive for more. Also we cannot overburden ourselves with that that we take distaste in, it shall only lead to an harbored contempt for what we’re achieving.” ~ Via my post on Metaphysical Inertia

I became complacent with what I had and what I was achieving, I became too comfortable for my own good, and that is an issue. I read those words right after I found out about my job and you know what, it actually tells me I stayed well past the point I should have left. It’s my fault for not realizing it sooner, it would have been better for both sides, but I there is no reason for me to even attempt to change the decisions I made, it’s too late.

When you see death occur around you, it hits you that maybe you need to change, but it still doesn’t hit hard enough most of the time. This year has been rough with all the deaths I’ve had to deal with, but dealing with those didn’t effect me as much as one would think. You realize death happens, and even if you know it can happen to anyone at anytime, you think aren’t part of that group, you aren’t just anyone; stop lying to yourself, you are just another somebody, and the next wave could be the last you remember.

I walked away by mere chance, I do like to think it was partly skill that saved me, but it was a whole lot of luck. I could have easily flipped my car or continued sliding over the bank, or managed to make it to the next turn, and just the next turn, I never would have made it. I got lucky and hit the embankment, which stopped me on solid ground, and I managed to walk out with just a few scrapes. Life is filled with luck and you just have to remember you never have full control of what happens to you, sometimes it’s bad, sometimes it’s excellent, you just have to go with the flow and relax.

The number one way to escape from the pull is to just keep moving, but don’t completely resist or you’ll just exhaust yourself fighting and succumb. You have to move out of sight, change your path to the side instead of up for a little while, look for somewhere that isn’t looking to keep you there. Once you realize that there are other places you can move forward and up from, places where you’re not getting pummeled as hard. I bet you you’ll be happier, luckier, and have a better chance of surviving the outcome, you might take a few lumps along the way but that comes with the territory.

Image by bensonkua