The World We Take For Granted

Going to give you a choice, if you don’t care about the little details about my world all you have to do is read the first paragraph and the last paragraph. I’ve made it easy and quick for you.

How often do you take note of the world around you and its details of what it has offered the world? I come from Lewisburg, a small town of less than 8000 people, in West Virginia, that has been the center of so much I was shaken by the fact. Mind you I’ve lived here nearly 20 years and knew most of these things but, never really gave a damn. Then everything just starts to fall in and you realize that it isn’t as small as you once thought.

It’s amazing how people can change a town’s history. This kind of kicked off last week when I heard someone at work mention Seth McClung, the Brewers relief-pitcher. Today, Patch Adams, the one the movie was based on, came through our airport on his way to his property a few miles down the road. There was also Bimbo Coles, retired basketball player for several NBA teams and on the 1988 Olympic team. Mason Patrick, a major general, highest rank military officials had received during his time period(1918-1927) received his brigadier general and major general status within a one month period.

The town and surrounding area also have quite the history. The area was a very intensely disputed area during the Civil War with a cavern that was used as a salt-peter mine and multiple battle grounds within the area. Just on the edge of the town is a cemetery with unmarked Confederate soldiers. We have the one of the only continuously used Carnegie Halls in the world and it is also booked with world renowned acts though at a less frequent pace than the one located in New York, for obvious reasons. The Greenbrier Resort, the famous government bunker and the host of the first Ryder Cup, lies just a few miles away.

Almost all the people who have lived here all their life know about these things, though some are hidden just off the beaten path, even for regulars. Those that have moved here probably know of the big ones like Carnegie Hall and the Greenbrier. Look around your town, city, or even neighborhood, you never know what you might find out about your community and it’s history.

Honestly, this post wasn’t about what we have it’s about not caring enough to realize what you have. The little things in life are what truly matter, even if you don’t notice them. Little things may be something huge and astounding to someone who doesn’t experience them every day.

2 thoughts on “The World We Take For Granted

  1. Might I also add the several Admirals and the one four star that came out of the county within the past thirty years.

  2. Might I also add the several Admirals and the one four star that came out of the county within the past thirty years.

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